St. Christophers Drive, Oundle, Peterborough, Northamptonshire, PE8 4HU
Guide Price £275,000
Key Information
Key Features
Excellent opportunity for the self builder in this much sought after market town. The plot measures approx 32.02m deep x 8.59m wide (at front) and sits on the southern border of a larger development by Persimmon Homes facing an area of open space. The self-build plot was granted outline approval under planning reference 19/01355/OUT by North Northamptonshire District Council, which has now lapsed and a new full planning permission will be required.
DESCRIPTION - The Masterplan for the land at St Christophers Drive, provides for 62 dwellings and 3 self-build plots. These self-build plots were granted outline approval under planning reference 19/01355/OUT. They are intended to provide the buyer with the freedom to design and construct their own property. The plots are located to the south of the larger development site. Each plot will be developed in line with strict design criteria to ensure the appropriate controls are in place to protect visual amenity, whilst not stifling innovation and individuality.
CONCEPT - The design concept behind the self-build plots is to ensure full integration with the wider site and future infrastructure, including both vehicular & pedestrian networks. The self-build plots will be accessed via a private driveway that has access from the adoptable highway. The consistency of design in infrastructure and boundary treatment for each plot will ensure an attractive and consistent street scene. The buildings will then sit within the plots for full individual expression within the confines of the Design framework.
DESIGN FRAMEWORK - The purpose of the design framework is to set clear guidelines for individual developers of the self-build plots at St Christophers Drive. It encourages the achievement of a high level of architectural design quality, whilst protecting the visual amenity of the site as a whole and ensuring an acknowledgement of its context. The Design Framework strikes a balance between the need to create a cohesively designed development and the freedom and flexibility expected when designing within the self-build culture.
PLANNING - Outline planning permission was granted for the self-build plots but that outline has now expired and therefore a full planning permission will be required by the owner of the plot to deal with all on-plot spatial and design components. Full planning applications would be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for consideration in the normal manner. In addition to this, plot sales would also be subject to a separate but comparable contractural approval process by Persimmon Homes.
STANDARDS & QUALITY: Proposals are to comply with Building Regulations relevant at the time of submission/construction.
TIMESCALE: Each plot design/project will be delivered within 12 months of the start on site in order to minimise disruption to others (this would be secured contractually and act as additional control over and above any relevant timescales detailed in the planning permission).
ACCESS: Persimmon Homes will provide road access to all plots in accordance with the approved Outline planning consent which provides for access connections to the wider development road layout with internal roads to be approved by the Reserved Matters application for the development. Each plot will have a designated vehicular access point with a width of 5.5 metres.
SERVICES: Each plot will be provided with driveways and access to foul and surface water drainage and connection/ducting points to utilities such as water, gas electricity and communications.
BOUNDARY TREATMENT & LANDSCAPING: The proposed details of boundary and plot landscaping including any areas of hardstanding should be agreed with the LPA as part of any submission of planning. Landscaping must be provided within the gardens and shall be planted during the first planting season following completion of the development.
RECYCLING & WASTE MANAGEMENT: All planning applications should provide for refuse storage in line with the current Local Authority recycling provision.
THE PLOT - Plot 65 measures approximately 8.59m wide (at its narrowest point at front) x 32.02m deep. (Not confirmed on site.)
1 - The siting of the plot should allow access for maintenance of buildings and boundaries.
2 - a minimum distance of 11 metres is required to provide a sufficient standoff distance to protect the amenity of adjacent residents in terms of overlooking and over dominance of nearby properties.
3- There should be suitable set back distances between the front elevation and front boundary in order to ensure a rhythm in the street scene & thereby improving the composition of the development.
4 - A standoff is required from the side boundary)s) to enable pedestrian access to the rear garden and to enable construction of the plots.
5- Access to the self-build plots will be fixed in accordance with the wider site Masterplan. This allows for access to all individual plots and will be provided up to the plot boundaries by Persimmon Homes.
6 - Driveways and pathways shall be complementary to the materials used within the wider development.
7 - A maximum of two and a half storeys will be permitted to minimise overlooking and to ensure that massing is appropriate to the sites context. Storeys will have a height range of between 2m and 3m (finished floor level to finished ceiling height). However, the height of dwellings should not impact upon neighbouring developable zones due to their height- which will form a material consideration in the Reserved Matters application.
8 - Corner plots are important to the street scene and wider development as they can ensure attractive, outward facing development. A corner turning plot will be required to Plot C due to it facing onto the open space and footpath. This plot must be designed to incorporate active gables where it faces onto this section.
9 - Elevational form shall be dictated by site layout, surveillance of the street and the function of the floor plan. Social inside/outside spaces shall also relate well to each other without detrimentally impacting upon neighbour amenity levels.
10 - Properties must relate well to their surroundings, including the properties in the immediate vicinity. Consideration will be given to the flow of the street scene when planning the scale and massing of dwellings.
PARKING PROVISIONS - All plots must conform to the parking standards that are outlined within the Rural North, Oundle & Thrapston Plan and Northamptonshire County Councils (NCC) parking standards (2016).
The Rural North, Oundle & Thrapston Plan states: "For new residential developments within the Plan area, an average maximum residential parking standard of 2 space per dwelling will apply. Further details regarding dimensions are available from the NCC planning portal.
ROOF: There are no restrictions on the type of roof to be used, yet they must respect the scale, form, massing and visual amenity of both the plot and its wider visual context.
WALLS: The appearance of walls must reflect their residential setting and be visually appropriate to their surroundings.
BOUNDARY TREATMENT: Enclosures other than boundary treatment fronting the public realm should be appropriate for its purpose, for example if they are installed to protect amenity levels they should be an appropriate height (for example,1.8M) and design (ie close boarded).
TIMESCALES - Individual applications will be required for all plots and must be submitted within 6 months of completion of the purchase.
PLANNING SUBMISSIONS - Detailed proposals for individual plots should be submitted to both the LPA and also Persimmon Homes for approval. Design will be assessed against this design criteria and as in the case of North Northamptonshire Council, against relevant adopted and national planning policies.
For further details on what required for submission to NNC and the subsequent application process, please visit: and
1 - Persimmon homes agree a sale to the prospective buyer subject to price and buyers position, via their selling agent
2 - Plot purchasers design dwellings adhering to this self-build Design Criteria.
3 - Proposed plans are submitted to Persimmon Homes for comment /approval
4- If approved, purchasers submit a full planning application to North Northamptonshire District Council and
5 - If approved, plot purchasers gain the necessary approval for planning conditions.
OFFERS - All offers are to be submitted in writing to the sellers agent and include proof of funds, estimated timescales, proof of ID and solicitor details.
Notes - All measurements shown and plans are supplied by the seller or from working drawings and are subject to checking and measured survey. Whilst we take every effort to ensure their accuracy, buyers are advised to satisfy themselves of this before committing to purchase. Sizes and plans are a guide only and buyers should ensure their legal representative is able to verify them before legally committing to purchase.
It is estimated that it will be approx Jan 2025 before utilities will reach this area of the site.
S106 Obligations: Current obligations are for Bus Services, Early Years, Library Facilities, Primary and Secondary Education - Estimated (index linked) at £9,277 for a 2 bed, £16,640 for a 3 bed and £19,344 for a 4 bed.
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